Vehicles in Botswana

Want to buy new or used car in Botswana? Browse 300`s cars in our online showroom. You will find local cars, Singapore and Japanese vehicles for sale, import cars in Gaborone, Francistown and Maun. Sort vehicles by your choice as used cars or new cars, cheap or expensive. Display bikes, motorcycles, boats or commercial vehicles such as trucks, buses, combi, tracktors and agricultural equipment. SUV 4X4 vehicle hire in Maun, Francistown and Gaborone. Car rent in Botswana for safari and for journey. You may hire a car in Botswana from private dealers without deposit. Make your own marketing research with classified portal. Online car sales by Botswana new & used vehicle dealers. Dealership contact details and enquiry forms. Brand new and used auto dealers. You can use built-in mortgage calculator to calculate vehicle finance percentage, car loan, credit, Insurance solutions, for new or pre-owned cars. is your guide of Botswana vehicle market. Gaborone used cars for sale, all registered Gaborone car dealers, showrooms and garages.
Want to sell your used car in Botswana? Upload your cars and manage your stock after registration. Read and reply enquiries from your admin area.